UDWI REMC conducts live-line demonstration for Smithville employees
The Utilities District of Western Indiana REMC recently conducted a live-line safety demonstration for Smithville crews in Ellettsville.
The safety demonstration provided Smithville’s crews with several examples of the potential hazards posed by contact with live high-voltage lines and how to safely work around them.
UDWI crews used a live line display during the event, which included a small-scale representation of the equipment UDWI uses in the field. The training equips line workers with the knowledge of how to handle downed power lines and the steps they need to follow during an emergency.
“We are thankful for the partnership with UDWI and their willingness to provide a live line demo to our crews,” said Collin Newcomb, Environmental Health and Safety Manager at Smithville. “It was an important reminder of the potential dangers of high-voltage lines and the various safety protocols to follow when working near them.”
The event was conducted by UDWI team members, Britt Miller (Dispatch Manager) and Michael Nail, and Will Padgett (Journeyman Linemen).
“UDWI has worked hard to be in the position to offer training to others in our community and we take that responsibility very seriously,” said Miller. “We are always looking for new opportunities to engage with the public on safety training and want to thank Smithville for taking the time to let us present to their crews.”
Education, Training, and Information is one of the 7 Cooperative Principles and a top priority for the UDWI team. The co-op has had great success keeping employees and members safe through completing various training and educational programs.
Over the last few years, UDWI has provided public safety training and education to law enforcement, firefighters, EMC personnel, and dispatchers in and around its service territory. In 2018, UDWI developed its own training yard to host training for its own team and other co-ops in the area.
UDWI completed 35 safety training classes, totaling nearly 900 hours in 2022. The cooperative also performed three public safety demonstrations for around 400 people.
“This collaboration with local communications providers is a top priority to ensure the safety of all crews that interact with live electric lines,” said Doug Childs, UDWI CEO. “Public safety is a top priority for UDWI and we will continue to serve our community and members by offering training to interested organizations.”
If your organization is interested in receiving a safety demonstration from UDWI, please contact the office at (812) 384-4446 to schedule a training. To view a video of this live demo or learn more about training opportunities, visit the UDWI website at: www.udwiremc.com/my-services/safety-and-conservation/onsite-safety-yard.